Make a wish!
Vela = 🕯 (in portuguese)
In creating the candle, humanity was literally taken out of the darkness. It was by candlelight that great writers made their books, that scientists developed brilliant theories, that accomplished musicians enchanted audiences centuries ago. It's the light at the end of the tunnel, it's a little bit of sunlight during the night.
In the mid-90s, in the interior of São Paulo, when there were major storms, the distribution of electricity was impaired and each house that had a resident who was careful had a candle. When listening to lightning and thunder, the night could be expected: it is the night to “end the light”, light candles, and start exchanging fantastic folk tales and full of magic. All the people in the house sat in front of those small flames and exchanged words about the collective imagination that today inspired the creation of this brand.
And the magic of the candle still continues, even though the man has mastered electricity on his birthday, it is by looking at it that we place an order for our next cycle. That's the candle, this connection between the old and the new, the material with the immaterial.
In a simplified way, the Vela brand was inspired by the childhood of its creator, when the playful part of his life was presented.
Was created to illuminate the visual elements of a company.
The brand name comes from the ease of pronunciation. It is a short name, because there are few letters in the word 🕯, the visual framing of the brand is facilitated in smaller environments such as the internet.
It is the representation of 🔥, the brand relies on the flame shape as a fundamental element.
For the brand not to be monotonous or morbid, the colors were taken from Van Gogh's works, in this concept light and movement using loose brush strokes become the main element of the painting. This light and vibrant colors are present in the 🕯 brand.
It's vintage! Inspired by the Deco artistic movement, where the “old” concept for the brand is inserted. New colors, old typography, this makes an electrifying combination!
In creating the candle, humanity was literally taken out of the darkness. It was by candlelight that great writers made their books, that scientists developed brilliant theories, that accomplished musicians enchanted audiences centuries ago. It's the light at the end of the tunnel, it's a little bit of sunlight during the night.
In the mid-90s, in the interior of São Paulo, when there were major storms, the distribution of electricity was impaired and each house that had a resident who was careful had a candle. When listening to lightning and thunder, the night could be expected: it is the night to “end the light”, light candles, and start exchanging fantastic folk tales and full of magic. All the people in the house sat in front of those small flames and exchanged words about the collective imagination that today inspired the creation of this brand.
And the magic of the candle still continues, even though the man has mastered electricity on his birthday, it is by looking at it that we place an order for our next cycle. That's the candle, this connection between the old and the new, the material with the immaterial.
In a simplified way, the Vela brand was inspired by the childhood of its creator, when the playful part of his life was presented.
Was created to illuminate the visual elements of a company.
The brand name comes from the ease of pronunciation. It is a short name, because there are few letters in the word 🕯, the visual framing of the brand is facilitated in smaller environments such as the internet.
It is the representation of 🔥, the brand relies on the flame shape as a fundamental element.
For the brand not to be monotonous or morbid, the colors were taken from Van Gogh's works, in this concept light and movement using loose brush strokes become the main element of the painting. This light and vibrant colors are present in the 🕯 brand.
It's vintage! Inspired by the Deco artistic movement, where the “old” concept for the brand is inserted. New colors, old typography, this makes an electrifying combination!
Faça um pedido!
Ao criar a vela, a humanidade foi, literalmente, tirada das trevas. Foi à luz de velas que grandes escritores fizeram seus livros, que cientistas elaboraram teorias geniais, que exímios músicos encantavam plateias séculos atrás. É a luz no fim do túnel, é um pedacinho de sol durante a noite.
Em meados dos anos 90, no interior de São Paulo, quando havia grandes tempestades a distribuição de energia elétrica era prejudicada e cada casa que tivesse um morador que se precavesse, tinha uma 🕯. Ao ouvir raios e trovões a noite podia-se esperar: é noite de “acabar a luz”, acender velas e começar a trocar contos populares fantásticos e cheio de magia. Todas as pessoas da casa sentavam-se em frente àquelas pequenas chamas e trocavam palavras sobre o imaginário coletivo que hoje inspirou a criação dessa marca.
E a magia da vela ainda continua, mesmo o homem tendo dominado a eletricidade, no dia do aniversário, é olhando para ela que fazemos um pedido para nosso próximo ciclo. A vela é isso, é essa conexão do antigo com o novo, do material com o imaterial.
De maneira simplificada, a marca Vela foi inspirada na infância do seu criador, quando lhe foi apresentada a parte lúdica da sua vida.
Foi criada para iluminar o elementos visuais de uma empresa.
O nome da marca vem da facilidade de pronúncia. É um nome curto, por haver poucas letras na palavra vela o enquadramento visual da marca é facilitado em ambientes mais reduzidos como a internet.
É a representação do 🔥, a marca apoia-se na no formato da chama como elemento fundamental.
Para a marca não ser monótona ou mórbida, as cores foram retiradas das obras do Van Gogh, neste conceito a luz e o movimento utilizando pinceladas soltas tornam-se o principal elemento da pintura. Essa luz e essas cores vibrantes estão presentes na marca Vela.
É retrô! Inspirada no movimento artístico Deco, onde se insere o conceito “antigo” para a marca. Cores novas, tipografias velhas, isso faz uma combinação eletrizante!

Since I was a child, I was in love with the universe of Visual Culture, while my fellow men chased a ball or kite, I stayed at home organizing my pens, making my personal books, and trying to paint everything I saw in front of me.
In my professional trajectory, I have accumulated stakes in previous world brands that make me realize that the time dedicated to those pens was not in vain.
This made me an enthusiastic designer, as I found in the profession a way to continue transforming things around me.🌈
In my professional trajectory, I have accumulated stakes in previous world brands that make me realize that the time dedicated to those pens was not in vain.
This made me an enthusiastic designer, as I found in the profession a way to continue transforming things around me.🌈
Desde criança fui apaixonado pelo universo da Cultura Visual, enquanto meus semelhantes corriam atrás de bola ou pipa, eu ficava em casa organizando minhas canetinhas, confeccionando meus próprios livros e tentando passar tinda em tudo que via pela frente.
Na minha trajetória profissional acumulo participação em marcas mundialmente conhecidas que me fizeram perceber que o tempo dedicado àquelas canetinhas não foram em vão.
Isso fez de mim um designer entusiasmado, pois encontrei na profissão uma maneira de continuar transformando as coisas ao meu redor.🌈